From 31 December 2025, the ECR Trade Window will cease to be a recommendation for assortment revisions in the Swedish grocery industry, service trade, and pharmacy market. This decision follows the conclusion of the collaboration on ECR trade windows.
The ECR Trade Window for 2025 will remain published and voluntary for the industry to follow, but from 2026 onwards, no new recommendation will be issued. Instead, individual agreements between retailers and suppliers will apply regarding product launches and assortment revisions.
Recommendation for product range revisions in the Swedish grocery industry, convenience sector, and pharmacy market
In the autumn of 2000, ECR Sweden appointed an industry-wide working group to develop a recommendation for a model for product range revisions in the Swedish grocery industry, convenience sector and pharmacy market (referred to as industry players below). The aim was to increase customer benefit and industry efficiency.
The recommendation itself is not intended to affect the decisions made by each industry player concerning product range revisions. Each year, the ECR Sweden Steering Committee asks the industry-wide working group to evaluate the current year’s Recommendation in order to draft a proposal for the following year’s Recommendation.
ECR’s recommendation and definitions
This Recommendation covers the product ranges available with the industry players. It divides the product range into a number of revision areas and contains a number of revision points (“ECR Trade windows”). The time of the product range revision point is called the “revision week”. A timetable for product range revisions is also included in the Recommendation.
Revision area: ECR’s recommended categorization of product ranges/trade items.
Revision point: Refers to the date a revision area can be launched or phased out.